Saturday 7 February 2009

January Film File

It's not in my nature to post two garbled and depressing film lists in a row, but it has been a frightfully busy month. I promise there'll be more goodies coming in the not so distant future... May serialise the next novella here. Something like that. In the meantime, enjoy the patronising, smart-alecky one-liners with which I've amended each title. As always, I earnestly encourage you to seek out the better titles. A good classic horror is like a fine wine - it matures in the can then pollutes your vital organs at your leisure. Splendid business, this.

1. Dragonwyck (1946) **** - Wacky aristocrat kills wife with houseplant.
2. Torture Garden (1967) *** - Demon piano conspires against stubborn wench.
3. Les Yeux sans Visage (1960) ***** - Typical Frenchman owns fancy mansion, many dogs, transplants daughter's face.
4. Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920) **** - It's all a dream!
5. Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920; with audio commentary) **** - Eureka Video's latest dose of dry as dust scholarship.
6. Night of the Living Dead (1968) ****½ - Shuffling masses hone in on black man. Not Obama, curiously enough. After all, this one gets shot.
7. The Importance of Being Earnest (2002) ***½ - Gently gay toffs get in a right kerfuffle with the tea and scones.
8. The Old Dark House (1963) ** - 'Carry on Haunted House' carries on too long.
9. Die, Monster, Die! (1965) *** - Elitist villager types boycott world famous radioactive zoo.
10. Halloween (1978) ***** - Well-meaning William Shatner lookalike goes a-trick-or-treating.
11. Mamma Mia! (2008) **½ - Act your way outta this one, Streep!
12. Keeping Mum (2005) **** - Maggie Smith unwittingly routs chocolate box hamlet.
13. The Jade Mask (1945) **½ - Crude racist stereotype outwits poison gas.
14. The Haunted Curiosity Shop (1901) ** - Antiques dealer terrorised by primitive trick photography.
15. Asylum (1972) ***½ - Severed limbs wrapped up in brown paper abscond with air vent.
16. Chung Him Sam Lam (1994) **** - Chinaman eats disproportionate amount of pineapple.
17. The Man in the White Suit (1951) **** - Gripping drama about cloth production.


  1. Ah, another intriguing read. Although it is a shame that it is another film file. I was particularly looking forward to some creative writing. However, there was plenty of wit to keep me entertained within this particular blog. I shall take these ratings into account when considering purchasing sny of the films. I do hope you blog more often, i enjoy hearing (or rather reading) your opinions and quarrels with life and its morals. Oh dear, rhyming. Well, i'm not going to stoop as low as to make that pathetically UNwitty joke about being a poet and not knowing of such. I believe myself to be above such things. Well, i've rambled on in this comment for long enough. A good blog all round, etcetera, etcetera. And a good day to you, sir.

  2. Nice reviews! But Mamma Mia should of got ** at most. Lol. You need to watch Diary of the Dead and get that on here as well. Keep the blog up!
